Case study

Why Loupiote changed their stories placements?

+20.3 %

Increase in conversion rate

+27.7 %

Increase in revenue generated per visitor

Get to know our customer

About the brand

Atelier Loupiote, dedicated to reviving the essence of French lighting and craftsmanship. With a focus on sustainable materials and minimalist design, their fixtures illuminate interiors with grace. Their signature product, minimalistic lampshades available as DIY kits, offers both style and simplicity, providing an effortless assembly experience.
Dashboard mockup

Why do they use Vidjet?

Point #1

AB-testing with their agency

Before opting for Vidjet, they relied on another provider for web stories. After testing two placements on their product pages, they discovered that positioning stories below the add-to-cart button yielded higher conversions. This indicates that visitors are more inclined to purchase and explore products as they scroll down PDPs. Placing stories too far down the page, however, may result in fewer impressions.
AB-Test Results
Point #2

Transitioning to Vidjet

Vidjet offers a significantly more affordable solution, as it charges clients based on their usage, not on their website traffic.
Seamlessly integrated with Shopify, it enables the addition of "Buy now" buttons to videos, boosting checkout creations.
Dashboard mockup
Point #3

Seamless onboarding

Facilitating their journey, we assist in embedding Stories, by asking a collaborator access to their Shopify theme. We then set up their Vidjet account, based on their videos they shared on Google Drive with our team.
Dashboard mockup
Point #4

No impact on Core Web Vitals

By prioritising optimization, our videos are finely tuned to ensure fast page loading, enhancing user experience and maximizing engagement.
Results from Google Lighthouse speak from themselves, with only 82 KiB coming from Vidjet Stories.
Dashboard mockup

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Five stars icon
We recently switched our stories provider to Vidjet. This app offers competitive prices, and doesn't impact our page loads. Their team also provided us with excellent support during the set-up phase: they are very available, competent, and involved in our project.  
Marie Duffaut
Digital Manager

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