

User-generated content has emerged as a powerful tool for brands, offering authentic insights and testimonials that resonate with consumers.

Even though UGC is seen to have significant growth potential for brands, many have failed to effectively leverage this across their various marketing pipelines. But why? This is often a result of marketing departments being disconnected from ecommerce departments, most often a time in mid to large sized organisations. Thus, while the marketing teams are collecting and sourcing User-generated content videos, the utilisation of this content by the ecommerce team is often lacked. Join us on this journey as we explore the three primary strategies that can help your brand activate User-generated content across the various channels, leading to a maximised brand impact.

1. Integrate UGC on Your Product Pages

One of the easiest yet most effective means to harness this potential of UGC is through the direct integration within your product detail pages. This can be made a frictionless process with tools such as Vidjet, which facilitate in a seamless manner, the ability to embed user-generated dynamic content, photos and customer reviews for your listed products

Why UGC on Product Pages Matters

- Builds Trust: UGC leads to fostering authentic connections with credible customer reviews and experiences that foster a sense of authenticity around your products for potential buyers. User-generated content provides potential buyers with real world insights into your products that manufactured content cannot replicate.

- Increases Engagement: Those videos that are created by real time users are seen to be significantly more engaging than traditional images. This is done by providing a dynamic and relatable narrative on the product itself.

- Boosts Conversion Rates: Positive feedback is a leading driver of sales. In simple words this can be understood as the fact that potential customers are seen to more likely purchase products when they are able to see its look, feel and usability in real time. Integrating these elements of social proof can not only boost conversion rates but additionally increase the return rate of your customers.

Image showing why UGC matters

How to Implement

- Select Relevant User-generated content: Identify high-quality content and relevant, that accurately represents your product and aligns with your target audiences demands.

- Use Tools Like Vidjet: Shoppable video players, like Vidjet make it effortless to incorporate videos and other UGC into your product pages without the need for a technical know-how.

- Highlight Key Features: Make sure that your brand uses their aquired UGC to showcase unique selling points and features of your product that might not be evident through standard product descriptions and may need a visual demonstration.

2. Showcase UGC on Socials Using Creators’ Handles

In order to leverage UGC and visual commerce, it is essential to cross sell and levarage other social media platforms. This is for the sole purpose of reaching larger audiences in those niche spaces where authenticity is seen to thrive. Through re purposing this UGC content on social media channels and influencer streams, ecommerce brands can amplify their reach and foster a community of loyal followers.

Why Social Media Is Ideal for User-generated content

- Amplifies Reach: Social media has a broad and diverse user base, making it an ideal platform for re-sharing UGC and reaching potential audiences.

- Enhances Authenticity: Content shared by real users is seen to be more genuine and trustworthy compared to direct branded content.

- Encourages Community Building: Remember to acknowledge and share relevant content from your customers, allowing for you to foster a sense of community and loyalty among your audience.

Image showing why social media for UGC matters.

How to Implement

- Identify High-Quality UGC: Seek content that is not only seen to showcases your product but also tells a visual and compelling story.

- Credit Creators: Remember to tag and credit the original creators and influencers. This not only gives them recognition but also encourages others to share their experiences to their already established audiences.

- Engage with Your Audience: Last but not least, respond to comments and engage with your community to build stronger relationships and encourage the creation and submissions of more UGC.

3. Syndicate UGC to Partners and Resellers

Finally, another alternative to maximising the impact of your UGC content is to syndicate it to not only your partners, but resellers too. Through this strategy your ecommerce brand is able to extend its reach beyond owned channels amplifying its impact. This extended reach has the ability to promote the growth of larger audiences organically.

Why Syndication Works

- Expands Reach: The primary reason for this strategies effectiveness is that when UGC is shared with your partners and resellers, your content gets exposed to broader audiences and potentially attracts new customers. These resellers and partners too would have already established communities that consider them authentic.

- Consistent Branding: With the provision of quality UGC to your partners, your brand is able to ensure that your online brand is represented in a consistent manner across multiple platforms.

- Builds Trust Across Channels: When potential customers see consistent feedback about your product across multiple channels, it reinforces trust and credibility.

How to Implement

- Create a UGC Library: Develop and maintain a library of high-quality UGC that your targeted partners can access and use. However, it is important to remember to ensure that this library is regularly updated with new and fresh content.

- Provide Guidelines:

Offer clear guidelines on how partners should use the UGC to maintain consistency and quality across channels.

- Monitor Usage: Finally, remember to monitor and keep track of how partners are using the UGC to ensure it aligns with your brand’s values as well as your targeted messaging.


As inferred through this informational journey, user-generated content is understood to a unique and powerful tool that has the potential to enhance brand visibility and trustworthiness when activated strategically across a diverse range of social channels. So what are you waiting for? Are you ready to integrate UGC on your product pages, share it on social media with appropriate credits, and syndicating it to partners and resellers, brands to truly unlock the full potential of this resource.