READ ITWhat are the best e-commerce on-site videos for higher conversion rates?
How do you make the best out of your e-commerce website? By including videos! They are an excellent way to increase conversions and improve engagement. In this article, we will show you 50 on-site videos that have been used by e-merchants for their online shops. There is a video for every goal: from product demonstrations to testimonials, from welcome videos to informative videos. Find inspiration from one or more of the examples below!
The best product videos: how-to’s sustainable e- shop knows a thing or two about proper video campaigns. When visitors scroll through the page of their signature deodorant, they see a pop-up video showing how to recharge the deodorant case and how to apply it once it’s ready. This video is one of the best thanks to various reasons: a handsome model 😉 , a detailed how-to of the product, added subtitles, and a touch of humour at the end. = 10/10 videos!

Atashi Cellular
Atashi Cellular is a Spanish beauty shop. When visitors land on the mobile page of their signature eye concealer, they see a pop-up video showing how to apply the product. This video is great not only thanks to its authenticity, but also the narrator who explains the application process step-by-step.

Colorful Black
The combination of explainer + how-to video from Colorful Black’s magic cream is a definite example to follow. This video is also a good reminder that you don’t need ultra HD cameras and a professional crew to create engaging and converting on-site content.

Endro Cosmetiques
When visitors land on the page of Endro Cosmetiques’ signature make-up remover, they see a pop-up video showing how to apply the product. This video is great because you also see the product in action - when the woman applies the product on her lips, you can see how efficient the product is in removing her lipstick.

Fimpo's how-to video is detailed but quick at the same time! The widget video displays the 5 necessary steps to apply the product to your nails.

Mood Swiss Rings
Mood Swiss Rings’ custom-made jewellery are based on the buyer’s intent. Therefore, the video on this page shows how the process works. This type of video is a must-have for e-merchants that sell unique products. What Mood Swiss Rings does masterfully is the vantage point of the filming, the clever use of text, and the detailed explanation of how the rings work.

Instead of displaying a product video on the product page, Unbottled have done something smart with this how-to video of one of their shampoos. They display the video on a blog post page - in case someone lands on their content, there is an added incentive to buy their products. The video also works because it shows how to use their solid shampoo and how beautiful hair looks after using it.

Vardier's products are unique - and it's why they needed videos to show visitors how the products work. Their product videos are quick and playful, with a clear display of how to fold or unfold the product and wear it with style.

The best product videos: product in action
When visitors scroll through Agile Work’s laptop expansion page, they see a pop-up video of… literally the product in action. The video expertly illustrated how the product works and why it’s so useful to have one. We might buy some as well to help manage all that multi-tasking 🤔

Chemin des Poulaillers
By far one of the most authentic and interesting e-commerce stores out there, Chemin des Poulaillers display on-site videos of their unique products: everything chicken! When you go to the product page of this chicken coop, you will see a beautifully shot video of it, with explanations of how to use it. The cutest part is that the owners' daughter is the one presenting the product!

This German wood accessory shop displays an artistic and practical video for one of their products. It presents the product in various angles, suggests a way to use it, and finishes off with a variety of available colours: all in less than 30 seconds!

The natural cosmetics store has many detailed product videos, but our favorite is this step by step tutorial of how to use their facial care set. If you own a beauty e-commerce shop, be sure to take inspiration from Jaivique's video!

MTEverfit is a US-based fitness shop that sells workout bags which you can fill with sand. When visitors land on their homepage, they will see an excellent pop-up video. This video works because it shows all the aspects of the product: a display of its varied characteristics, such as color and material, as well as the bag actually being used by someone.

Mummix is simply the most delicious e-commerce store in Italy. We will actually be featuring 2 different types of videos that they display on their website - they’re that good! 🤤 When visitors land on their eco hazelnut spread page, mouths begin to salivate at the delicious color and texture of this product. We are 100% convinced that we’d finish that jar in an instant.

My Heatless Hair
When visitors land on the My Heatless Hair homepage, they will see a repurposed Tik-Tok video of their product in action. This video is great because it proves you don’t need to create new videos for your website for them to be efficient.

Musu's product videos are not only very cool, but the strategy is well thought as well. When you go to any of their sunglasses web pages, you have the option to view both male and female model videos.

When visitors land on NZOBeauty’s page of this beautiful wig, they will see a pop-up video that explains how to style the wig in 6 different ways. This video is the perfect example of how to get it right: it’s fun and light, it shows the product in use, and it offers inspiration to prospective buyers, increasing their likelihood to buy.

Oilee Skincare
More of an "unboxing-in-action", this video from Oilee Skincare is our first unboxing featured in the article. Since their product is a subscription box, it makes sense that visitors would be welcome with content that shows that they can expect when buying from them!

Petty Well
What is cuter than a little pet trying out a new favorite snack?! Petty Well are making the best impression with their welcome/product in action video on their homepage. The video unpacks the great interest a customer's cat has on Petty Well's product, proving hands-on (or should we say... paws-on) how amazing their products are! This heartwarming content will definitely increase conversion rates.
Go to almost any product page on Phillip Jones’ online shop, and you’ll be welcome with detailed pop-up videos of their beautiful jewellery. While their videos don’t necessarily show people wearing their jewels, the clean and soft presentation of their products put them in a very attractive light.

Printeo's product videos are some of the most entertaining and interesting that we found so far. The presenter is fun and found an excellent way to non-verbally present Printeo's custom-made products. If you're looking for some video inspiration that is light and easy to do, these guys have done it right!

Regalando's product presentation videos are simple and to the point. Take this example of their Lunar Lamp: the video is short and nicely framed, with a clear display of how the product works. Bonus points: the creator also shows how to use the product!

Tet Mare
Tet Mare not only have incredible products, but videos as well! This headband video is inspirational thanks to the multiple angles it displays the product, a smiling model, and the engaging edited frames.

Yokono's product video strategy is most certainly one to follow. The Spanish merchant's shoes are available both online and in select brick-and-mortar stores. This gave them the advantage of recording product videos where the shop assistant gives a quick presentation of the products and also displays how they fit on her legs. The perfect shoe catwalk!

The best product videos: testimonials
Ambrosia Collective
Ambrosia Collective's products are as cool and exciting as their on-site video strategy. The testimonial video that pops up on their keto cereal page displays a fitness influencer testing out their product in real-time. His reaction is priceless and ends up fully recommending the product. The best part about this video is that Ambrosia included a 10% OFF coupon code within the video, making it super easy to purchase!

Brightly Teeth
When you land on Brightly Teeth’s homepage, you’ll be welcomed with a testimonial pop-up video that’s short and to the point. The lovely customer gives a quick shout-out to Brightly’s product. What’s more, her smile is definite proof of the product’s efficiency. The last great aspect about this video is that it’s repurposed - so no big effort whatsoever!

Leafy Covers
When visitors land on Leafy’s homepage, they will see a pop-up video that gives a short but relevant overview of their phone cases. And, you guessed it, it’s another successful testimonial video, with the satisfied customer detailing the look & feel of the product, as well as what she likes most about it.

Mink Hair
Mink Hair's testimonial videos are certain conversion boosters. Take this one, for example. It has captions, which helps with engagement. The honest testimonial comes from a young woman who praises their product and even includes before and after pictures. And our favorite part: her mother who's helping her out and adding a special touch to the testimonial!

Scuba Screen
This testimonial video is powerful: the person in the video acknowledges making an exception for Scuba Screen's brand, because their products are so awesome and in line with a value. If that's not a testimony to the authenticity and trustworthiness of the brand, we don't know what is!

Sustainable Shine
When you land on Sustainable Shine’s homepage, you’ll see a pop-up video that brings justice to what already is an amazing product. The video works not only thanks to the extensive review of this eco-toothbrush, but also thanks to combining 3 testimonials into 1 convincing video.

Sweet Grass
While not necessarily a standard UCG video of reviewing the product, this video from Sweet Grass is a testimonial in itself. The soft light, the double frame revealing both colours of the product, and the unique presentation through song make this one of the best videos you can find inspiration in.

The best informative videos
If you’re ever in search of authentic, handmade furniture, Drugeot’s product pages will convince you of their process. Any informative, behind the scenes video content will do wonders to e-merchants’ conversion rates, because they facilitate customer trust and serve as proof to the shop’s claims to uniqueness. Drugeot goes even further and links a CTA to a page where visitors can investigate more if they’re curious. Make sure to follow their example!

Incandescent's videos are probably amongst our favorites from this list. The shop owners pay great care and attention to give detailed descriptions of their products. In the example below, the speaker touches upon sizing & fit information, materials, suggestions for wear, and much more!

Similar to Drugeot, Jeste’s doing a great job on their homepage with this pop-up video. Short and sweet, it shows the story of how their solid toothpaste is made, “How it’s made” style. No filters, just the truth.

Lightning Outlet
If customers want to return their Lightning Outlet product and go to the returns page, they will see a pop-up video with the manager of returns giving a detailed explanation of the entire process. This is a great example of informative video as it makes visitors’ life easier - they don’t have to skim through content to find what they need.

By using pop-up videos, Menz-Menzy have solved a relevant problem for e-merchants in the clothing industry: sizing. They display a video with a model wearing the product and give information on his size, all with a pirouette that provides a better understanding of what the product looks like from all angles. If this isn’t a certain conversion rate booster, we don’t know what is!

We return to Mummix, but this time with the great video displayed on their homepage. Since their brand is all about sustainability, the video gives an overview of how the products are packaged. By proving their shipping is aligned with their mission, Mummix increases the chance of visitors trusting the brand and placing an order.

Orallee Celebrations
Orallee’s video on custom surprise puzzles is another example of an informative video done right. If visitors land on the page and watch the video, they will find out exact details of how the puzzle works, the box it’ll come in, and the process of assembling it. This video not only informs, but reassures the buyer as well!

Peak Gems
Peak Gems videos are some of the most informative in this list. They are also unique within the e-commerce space, acting as quick documentaries and stories about the gems. The video that pops-up on the sapphire page is an engaging story of where the gem comes from, how it’s processed, its chemical composition, and celebrities who couldn’t leave the house without it 😉

Rawrx is an all-natural food supplement shop. In the video displayed on their about us page, the founder and owner of the brand talks about the history of the company and makes a thought-provoking analogy. We love this video for it - and for the yummy food, of course!

Sweet Grass
Sweet Grass is a clothing company that has quite the authentic and visually engaging videos (why we featured two of their videos). This product presentation video looks professional, touches on all important aspects of the product, and makes us want to get an order for ourselves as soon as possible!

The best welcome videos
Brand Lovely
With his warm voice, the owner of Brand Lovely welcomes old customers and gives an introduction of the shop to new visitors, explaining what the brand stands for and the values they follow. This type of content is essential for any e-merchant who wants to establish rapport with their buyers from the very beginning.

Boys Dance Too
This welcome video is the best inspiration to draw from: the owner welcomes visitors to the shop and explains the changes they've made to the website, as well as details on their products and other partners. The video is muted when it pops-up, the speaker is relaxed and friendly, and it doesn't take much to fall in love with this store!

Easy Rider
Easy Rider's homepage is cool and adventurous, much like their products. What's even cooler is the welcome video that pops up when you land on their website. The owner welcomes visitors with a warm smile and explains how to get in touch if needed. Short and simple!

Jossel's welcome video is quick and to the point. The beautiful owner welcomes her visitors and gives them information on the schedule they can get in contact with her - the easiest way to get her point across.

Kool Image Dolls
The owner of Kool Image Dolls created a sweet and heart-warming welcome video for her unique shop. She gives relevant contact information to new visitors and draws attention to a new product she'll be launching in the future.

MCXI Candles
After landing on MXCI Candles’ homepage, you’ll be welcomed with an innovative and unique pop-up video. The approach of introducing their products via a mock newscast is a definite attention grabber! These types of creative videos are a must for any e-commerce business, especially when you want to get the first impression right.

When you land on Molwadine's homepage, you're welcomed with a special video (in German). This video is the perfect combination of product display and humanization, proving that you don't need expensive equipment to run a good video strategy. We love the dreamy flow of the red wine in the glass and the warm voice of the shop's owner, welcoming her customers!

Okra and Molly
Okra and Molly’s e-commerce business offers personalized cakes for your doggies. Since it is easy to get lost in the cuteness, their welcome video from the homepage brings you down to earth for some important information regarding their cake ordering process. Quick, informative, and to the point, this welcome video is the perfect introduction to their store!

The Good Farm
The Good Farm prides themselves in their sustainable, organic shop. This welcome video is a perfect example of well thought repurposing. One of the owners of the shop explains how the process of ordering works for first time visitors, as well as emphasizes the values and background of their company.

Main Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash
Thumbnail Photo by Ivana Cajina on Unsplash